Zion Lutheran Church
of Pickrell, Nebraska
Week of October 6, 2024
Helping out Today
Pastor…………………….…………..Bill Shaner
Organist………………..Shirley Gronewold
Acolytes…………………Presleigh Borman
Sadie Gronewold
Lector……………………………Kelly Lenners
Special Music…….Kids of the Kingdom
Greeters……………Duane & Janice Parde
Lorene Wallman
Breakfast Club………....Sammie Garton
8:45 Sunday School
9 am BKF Club/Adult SS/Endless Hallelujah Practice
10 am Worship/Kids of the Kingdom
6:30 pm The Chosen Bible Study
6 pm Confirmation/Endless Hallelujah practice
9-3 Blanket Sewing
9-1 Blanket Sewing
Next Sunday
8:45 Sunday School
9 am BKF Club/Adult SS
10 am Worship/Communion/Endless Hallelujah
Monday - Tuesday
Pastor Jer & Karen gone for continuing ed.
Helping out Next Sunday
Pastor……………….….…Jerry Gilbreath
Keyboard…………………..Janelle Ideus
Guitar………………….……..Deric Bloom
Acolytes…………….………….Colt Rinne
Tavin Lieneman
Lector………………...…..Amy Wallman
Special Music…. Endless Hallelujah
Greeters…………………Karla Carstens
Steve & Diane Oltman
Breakfast Club…Lindsay Hofstetter
October Altar Guild: Cindy Jurgens, Carrie Reed, Janet Harms, Peggy Johnson, Rose Gronewold
October Table Troop: Duane Parde, Janice Parde, Gary Wiese, John & Marcia Busboom, Doug & Rhonda Dorn, Leann Fossler
Snow Brigade-(Sure hope not needed quite yet!)
For the week of Oct 21st – Justin Hippen captain, Gary Gronewold tractor, Stan Lenners tractor, Mark Buhr, James Lenners, Billy Harms, Larry Gronewold, Dale Zimmerman, Luke Ideus.
For the week of Oct 28th – Mike Busboom captain, Dean Zimmerman tractor, Russ Wallman tractor, Greg Dorn, Paul Remmers, Craig Ideus, Terry Gronewold, Alex Buhr.
For the week of Nov 4th – Jason Lovitt captain, Les Lieneman tractor, David Meints tractor, Matt Meints, Gary Wiese, Andy Schoen, Perry Jurgens, Josh Nelson, Jeff Wiese.
Welcome to worship! A Warm Welcome to all our visitors. We would love to have you visit again! We ask that you please sign a visitor card located in the pews and bring the information section of the card to the information center desk, located in the unity room or place it in the offering plate. We are so glad you are here!
HANDICAP PARKING - We encourage you to reserve parking between the parsonage and the north doors for those joining us with mobility difficulties. Thank you! ~ The Church Council
IF INTERESTED IN SPONSORING A WEEKLY BULLETIN you may do so by contacting the Church secretary and making a check out to Zion Church for $75.00.
Today - October 13th is Pastor Appreciation Sunday on behalf of the Church Council and our members we would like to acknowledge Pastor Jer for all he does for us here at Zion. Thank you, Pastor Jer, for all you do for our Zion church family!
Thank you to the council and congregation for the gift card to Lowes. Pastor Jer
Also Thank you to Pastor Bill Shaner for covering for Pastor Jer today as they are in Kearney with their family celebrating Thanksgiving/Christmas.
Thank you to Kids of the Kingdom for their special music today!
Fall Bible Study begins the evening of Tuesday October 15th.
Blessed are the CHOSEN – Season 2
The Chosen -Season 2 Bible Study beginning Tuesday, Oct 15th at 6:30 pm. ALL are welcome! Each person will purchase the study book on their own. If interested contact Stephanie Wallman (402) 673-4035 or Connie Thornburg (402) 673-3605. Note!! On the calendar says Monday, But it is Tuesday night.
LWR Quilts and School Kits Drop off address in Omaha
Magnum Trucking
10611 Gertrude Street
LaVista, NE 68128
(Drop off dates and times are listed under the picture to the right.)
November we will need some drivers for delivery of the kits. It is a very easy drop off spot just have to be able to lift the boxes out of your car.
A BIG THANK YOU to Gerald & Dennis Ideus for delivering 25 quilts this week to Table Grace.
SAVE THE DATES: October 26 & 27th
Final 150th Anniversary celebration
SATURDAY- Oct 26th starts at 9:30 featuring a program by Sue McLain “150 Years of Fashion”. In addition, we will have items displayed from Zion’s history. A light lunch will be served so we are asking those planning to attend to sign up on a clipboard located at the Welcome Center in the Fellowship Hall.
The program by Sue is funded by Humanities Nebraska. Contact Denise Schlake Ideus (402) 806-2236 if you have fashion items for display.
SUNDAY -Oct 27th features Pastor Casey Lieneman assisting in the worship with a soup luncheon to follow the service.
SILENT AUCTION for 150th ANNIVERSARY began October 8th and ends October 27th. The winners will be announced at the noon luncheon at 1:00 pm.
Thanks to all contributing. All proceeds go to the anniversary fund for future projects connected to the Heritage Room in the German School House. Check it out if you haven’t already!
The Anniversary Committee is planning a soup/dessert luncheon after the service on Sunday, October 27th. Anyone interested in bringing soup can sign up on the clipboards on the Welcome Center. Thank you for all who have signed up so far! We have plenty of cinnamon rolls and desserts. Or you may contact someone on the Anniversary Committee
Zion Lutheran Church Trunk or Treat
Fuller Park
18219 S. 80th Road, Pickrell
Sunday October 27th 2:00-4:00
We are also looking for people to decorate their trunks for the
little goblins! So fun to watch them and see their costumes.
Contact Jeni Bohlmeyer 402-440-3672 or any member of the hospitality committee if you’re will to have a trunk.
October dates for sewing - trying some new days to see if can get a few more sewers and helpers. The next sewing dates are Thursday Oct 17 & 18th 9am – 3 pm. No experience needed. Come for some fun and fellowship!