Zion Lutheran Church
of Pickrell, Nebraska
The Week of February 16, 2025
Helping out Today
Pastor………………..,,,,,,,Jerry Gilbreath
Keyboard………………...….Janelle Ideus
Guitar…………………......…..Deric Bloom
Acolytes…………………Tavin Lieneman
Alexis Folkerts
Lector…………………….....Carrye Meints
Greeters…….….Brian & Danelle Evers
Tony & Kristin Hoffman
Special Music….....Endless Hallelujah
Breakfast Club.....…...Jennifer Mahler
8:45 am Sunday School
9:00 am BKF Club / Adult SS
10 am Worship/Communion/Endless Hallelujah
9-3 Blanket Sewing
7 pm Men’s Choir
9-3 Blanket Sewing
6 pm 7 & 8 grade Confirmation
Ladies Aide
Next Sunday
8:45 am Sunday School
9:00 BKF Club/ Adult SS
10 am Worship/Amigos
Helping out next Sunday
Pastor……………….........Jerry Gilbreath
Organist……………Alnora Daubendiek
Acolytes…………………......Brogan Ideus
Millie Garton
Lector……………..Dorothy Trauernicht
Greeters…….............Craig & Jess Ideus
Robert & Doreen Ideus
Special Music….........................Amigos
Breakfast Club.…….Hannah Hrenchir
February Altar Guild: Carrye Meints Leader, Linda Blackwell, Denise Ideus, Cheryl Folkerts, Danelle Evers
February Table Troop: Doug & Rhonda Dorn (Leader), Duane & Janice Parde, Gary Wiese, John & Marcia Busboom, LeAnn Fossler
Snow Brigade
For the week of Feb 17th: Jason Lovitt (Captain), Les Lieneman – tractor, David Meints – Tractor, Matt Meints, Gary Wiese, Andy Schoen, Perry Jurgens, Kenny Jurgens, Josh Nelson, Jeff Wiese
For the week of Feb 24th: Steve Oltman (Captain), Eric Parde – Tractor, Chris Fossler – Tractor, Jordan Busboom, Greg Robinson, Hunter Blackwell, Keith Parde, Kyle Schlake
For the week of March 3rd: AJ Wiese (Captain), James Meints-Tractor, Alan Wiese, Kenny Newman, Paul Jurgens, Gerald Ideus, Todd Bohlmeyer, Brian Garton, Josh Gronewold
For the week of March 10th: Justin Hippen (Captain), Gary Gronewold –Tracto, Stan Lenners – Tractor, James Lenners, Billy Harms, Larry Gronewold, Dale Zimmerman, Luke Ideus
Welcome to worship! A Warm Welcome to all our visitors. We would love to have you visit again! We ask that you please sign a visitor card located in the pews and bring the information section of the card to the information center desk, located in the unity room or place it in the offering plate. We are so glad you are here!
HANDICAP PARKING - We encourage you to reserve parking between the parsonage and the north doors for those joining us with mobility difficulties. Thank you! ~ The Church Council
IF INTERESTED IN SPONSORING A WEEKLY BULLETIN you may do so by contacting the Church secretary and making a check out to Zion Church for $75.00.
This weeks bulletin has been sponsored by Anora Schoen and family in loving memory of Robert, Russell & Phillip.
The flowers under the hymn board are from Gary Carstens and family in honor of what would have been Gary & Judy’s 58th Wedding Anniversary.
Keep your information updated with our church family. New phones, address, phone numbers, and email addresses are all available for you to update on www.instantchurchdirectory.com, just remember to not share your password with anyone and all will stay confidential. If your email has changed please let the church office know and they will get that updated in the system for you so you are able to login.
Update of the Fellowship Hall drywall repair.
“Due to a scheduling change, repairs to the drywall in fellowship hall will not take place the week of them February 10. We will make an announcement when this will occur at a later time.”
The Willie & Anna Meints scholarship applications are located on the welcome center located in the Fellowship Hall.  Students entering college can apply for the scholarship for up to 4 years.  Applications must be received by February 16, 2025, following the start of the student's first college year.  Applications received after the February 16, 2025, deadline will not be considered.    Committee Members: DeAnn Oltman, Steve Oltman & Laura Fikar
Help Wanted - Serving Opportunities at Zion
Fuller Park is looking for concession stand help this summer and fall.  We currently have about 5 home games a month this spring/early summer of 8/9U Baseball during the months of April/May/June. 
Starting at the end of August we will have about 4-6 Freeman Softball Home Games.  The concessions are always a great hit at our games and we would appreciate your help.  All ages welcome! 
Please contact Terry Oltman at 402-416-4902 if you would like to help us this summer.   
Parish Ed is looking for a Co-Teacher for 7th grade starting immediately. Please reach out to any member of Parish Ed if you are interested in co-teaching.
Sympathy to Paul and Jenny Busboom family on the passing of Jenny’s mom, Bonnie Bartels who passed away this week. Funeral services were held on Friday, February 14th at American Lutheran Church, in Filley.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church Women of the ELCA cordially invite you to attend their annual SOUP LUNCHEON: on Sunday, February 16, 11:30 to 1:30. Serving Homemade Chili, Chicken Noodle, and Vegetable Beef Soup, Dessert, Coffee, Tea, or Water. Free Will Offering. 
This is an annual fundraiser for the Holy Cross Women of the ELCA to support church and community projects. 
A QR code has been added to the Sunday bulletins. Simply scan the QR Code to the right to access Zion’s Venmo account and submit your offering. Offering envelopes and online giving via Vanco are still available to members as well. Any members with questions regarding these options can reach out to a church council member.
THANK YOU ZION! The 3rd & 4th grade Sunday school classes…
packed up 226 items and it was delivered to the Food pantry on Monday 2/10. At the end of February, they will put another $250 worth of groceries on the shelves thanks to a generous Thrivent grant written by Doreen Remmers!
Thanks again to all who showed great love to our neighbors with food insecurities! God Bless!
WANTED - Past Confirmation Clothing /Memorabilia for a temporary display in the Heritage Center for Confirmation Sunday April 27. Likewise, if you have a story to share about your confirmation classes or that special day we’d love to hear about them.
Please call or contact Connie Thornburg or anyone on the committee for further info.
Mercy Meals are planning a 60,000 meal packaging event in Odell at the Odell Community Building on Monday, March 17, 2025. It’s a great opportunity to serve !
Each shift is 2hrs long. Shifts are 10 - noon, noon - 2 pm, 2 - 4 pm, 4 - 6 pm, 6 - 8 pm and then clean up. If anyone, including those that can't help, would like to bring snacks for the volunteers, that would be greatly appreciated. This event is such a blessing to starving children right here and all over the world. Thanks for considering participating in this very worthwhile event. If interested contact Connie Thornburg at 402-673-3605.
The Council is looking for extra help on communion Sundays and at funerals with ringing the bell, setting up the screen and projector and other tasks. If interested, please contact a Council member or fill out a form that can be found at the Welcome Center.