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Ministry Opportunities

Sunday schedule

8:45 am Sunday School

9 am Breakfast Club/Adult Sunday School

10 am Worship


Pastor- Pastor Jerry Gilbreath

Secretary - Karen Gilbreath


At Zion Lutheran Church, learning is a big part of worshipping God. Our teachers and instructors put many hours into teaching about God’s grace. Anyone can be a part of this, from preschool to adult Sunday school classes. We also offer many musical groups to our members to help enhance the worship experience. Please contact us to learn more!




This class is designed for 3-year-olds who are just starting to learn about God. The nursery class  is involved in music time.


Pre-K Class

The Pre-K class is designed for 4-year olds until they start Kindergarten.


Kindergarten - First Grade

Students in these classes, along with the Pre-K class, are all involved in Kids of the Kingdom Music.


2nd Grade - Sixth Grade

Classes are offered to each grade (2nd - 6th), learning Biblical stories and memorization.  They are involved in the Amigos de Cristo Choir.


Seventh & Eighth Grade

The middle-school students in these grades have class in the School House. 


Confirmation Program

Zion offers a full Confirmation Program that usually ends with the confirmation of students by the end of their 8th Grade year.


Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club is a Bible study group that meets during the Sunday School hour. This group is geared for high school students that have been confirmed. Breakfast is included!


Adult Sunday School

This class is designed for any members of the congregation who are wanting to further extend their knowledge of the Bible and learn more about God. Classes are before worship in the Fellowship Hall, and it is taught by Pastor Jerry Gilbreath.



Kids of the Kingdom
The Downstairs Sunday School is an early-age music experience designed for children ages 3 years old to 1st grade.


Amigos de Cristo
The Amigos is a fun, up-beat musical experience for students ages 2nd grade through 6th grade.


Sounds of Zion
Sounds of Zion is a combined choir of both men and women singing both traditional and modern songs in four-part harmony. Contact Shirley Gronewold (402-239-5246) for more information.
Lady’s Choral
The Lady’s Choir is an adult women’s choir focusing on harmonic traditional songs. Contact Alnora Daubendiek (402-228-0778) for more information.
Men’s Choir
The Men’s Choir is an adult men’s choir focusing on four-part harmony in traditional songs. Contact Alnora Daubendiek (402-228-0778) for more information.
Endless Hallelujah
The Endless Hallelujah Team is a combined group of both men and women that lead the congregation during worship songs at the contemporary services. Contact Janelle Ideus (402-806-3410) for more information.

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